Center for Border Economic Development


The Center for Border Economic Development (C-BED) is in a unique position to marshal resources from across New Mexico State University (NMSU) to promote business expansion and economic development in communities along the U.S.-Mexico border. An important collaborator in our efforts is Arrowhead Center. Our mission and that of Arrowhead complement each other and this has resulted in a productive partnership.
C-BED seeks to complement existing development efforts along the border by working closely with businesses, governments, NGOs, and other border stakeholders to identify impediments to economic development and to propose solutions to overcome those impediments. Many of the studies conducted since C-BED's founding in 2021 involve economic impact and infrastructure projects including a study for the Border Task Force on the Paso del Norte Region, and an economic impact study of the Santa Teresa Port of Entry and Santa Teresa industrial parks.


Buying a new home is out of reach for many. Could housing tax credits help ?


A New Mexico senator wants to get more single-family homes built by creating a new tax credit program at a time when housing affordability is at a generational low. Economic experts say the bill could help New Mexicans, but far more needs to be done to shift the housing market. Sen. Martin Heinrich recently intriduced the New Homes Tax Credit Act, which would authorize in fedral income tax credits anually to incentivize in home building.

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Will Mexico's Stock Market Reform Spur Investment ?


The board of Mexican bank regulator CNBV on Sept. 7 approved the terms of a stock market reform championed by Deputy Finance Minister Gabriel Yorio, which lawmakers passed last year. The overhaul seeks to support trading in light of delistings in recent years and will also make as much as 70 billion pesos a year available to small to medium-sized businesses. What are the most important terms of the reform, and what impact could it have on local and foreign investment? How does it address the spate of delistings within the stock market? How will it help small and medium sized businesses obtain financing?

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