C-BED: Expectations and Vision

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Dr. Christopher A. Erickson 
Center for Border Economic Development

 Link: CV



Dr. Erickson is the Founding Diretor of the Center for Border Economic Development.  He currently is Interim Head of the Economics, Applied Statistics, and International Business Department at New Mexico State University and is also the Carruthers Chair for Economic Development. Dr. Erickson is Senior Economic Analyst at Arrowhead Center at NMSU. His research interest areas are macroeconomics, money and banking, Latin America, and economic development. In addition to teaching at NMSU, Dr. Erickson has taught at universities in Colombia, Taiwan, India, and Mexico. 



Dr. Vargas is Associate Director of the Center for Border Economic Development and is also College Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics, Applied Statistics, and International Business at New Mexico State University. Her professional experience encompasses work in the private, public, academic, and non-profit sectors. She was CEO of the private-sector-led, non-profit organization Plan Estratégico de Juárez in Mexico, and spent eight years as Senior Economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Dr. Vargas was also Research Associate at the U.S. Treasury Department in Washington, D.C. and at the Center for Inter-American and Border Studies at The University of Texas at El Paso. Dr. Vargas currently teaches at NMSU and has previously taught at other higher learning institutions in the United States and Mexico. Dr. Vargas has served on the boards of various public, private, and non-profit organizations in the U.S. and Mexico.

Dr. Lucinda Vargas  
Associate Director


Link: CV


C-BED Fellow


Dr. Kramer Winingham serves as a Program Director for Arrowhead Center at NMSU and is the Director of NMSU’s National Science Foundation I-Corps Site. As a Fellow at C-BED, Dr. Winingham collaborates with C-BED on a various projects. Dr. Winingham holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration with specializations in Finance and  Information Systems, and a Doctorate of Economic Development from NMSU. His doctoral thesis “Economic Development through Technology Transfer” developed a novel approach to technology transfer incorporating design thinking – this approach is applied to commercializing NMSU technologies at the Arrowhead Center. He currently serves as CEO/President for two companies commercializing technologies. He also owns and operates a property management company.

     Dr. Kramer Winingham




Current GA Support Team


Srinivas Datta Madireddy
Graduate Assistant

Masters Student, Computer Science
Contact: datta297@nmsu.edu 

Srinivas is originally from India. He earned his bachelor's degree in information technology in 2021 at SNIST and is currently pursuing a master's degree in computer science at NMSU. He is experienced in the specialization of Web Technologies. Srinivas worked as a full-stack developer in a startup for 2 years while he was in india and currently works as a graduate assistant at C-BED.



  C-BED Graduate Student Support Team