Gretchen Morgenson
Featured Speaker on February 20, 2024, 6:00 pm.
"THESE ARE THE PLUNDERERS How Private Equality Runs- and Wrecks- America"
Gretchen Morgenson, the Senior Financial Reporter in the Investigations unit at NBC News, started her career as a stockbroker before becoming an award-winning journalist and acclaimed author.
Previously, Ms. Morgenson spent two years at The Wall Street Journals and almost 20 years as assistant business and financial editor and a columnist at The New York Times.
She won the Pulitzer Prize in 2002 for her "trenchant and incisive" coverage of Wall Street in which she revealed deep conflicts of interest among powerful and brokerage firm analysts.
A graduate of Saint Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, Ms. Morgenson worked as a writer at Money M Magazine then as an assistant managing editor at Forbes Magazine, she is co-author, with Endangerment," a 2011 New York Times bestseller about the origins of the mortgage crisis. She is also co-author, with Rosner, of "These are the Plunderers," a Wall Street Journal bestseller scrutinizing the Private equity industry published in April 2023.