Dr. Manuel Montoya
Featured Speaker on February 17, 2022, 2:00 p.m.
"From North Star to MINT: Thinking of the U.S.-Mexico Border as a Gateway to Non-Traditional Emerging Economies"
Dr. Manuel (MJR) Montoya is an Associate Professor of Global Structures and International Management at the University of New Mexico's Anderson School of Management.
Dr. Montoya received his B.A. in English Literature and Economics from the University of New Mexico. He has Master's degrees from Oxford University and NYU as a Truman Scholar and Rhodes Scholar. He received his Ph.D. at Emory University in Foreign Relations and Comparative Literature as a George Woodruff Scholar and a UNM Center for Regional Studies Fellow.
He currently teaches the core International Management course for Anderson, the international practicum for the EMBA program, and an innovative graduate course that studies management issues in a geopolitical and philosophical context.
Through his own consulting firm, In Medias Res Consulting, he also provides geo-political strategy to major NGOs, non-profits, and transnational corporations. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and has contributed to international efforts to eliminate child soldiers from major conflict regions. Manuel has also served as a policy analyst for the United States Senate and considers public service a pillar of his work.
His current research focuses on the interdisciplinary origins of global culture and its impact on economic and management issues including work on human security, expeditionary and conflict economics, global culture as an intangible firm resource, global export analysis, international trade, emerging economies, and global economic sustainability.
Support for this event provided by the Center for Latin American and Border Studies